Charger status and details

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Charger Status

In the charge system overview, you can see each charger’s ID and live status. Please note that there is a minor delay in updating the live status.

You can also view the charger’s technical status based on OCPP by clicking on it.

ReadyThe charger is ready to use. Users need to attach the charging cable to the vehicle and may need to start charging from the app or using an RFID key.
ChargingThe battery is charged.
Charging pausedThe charger has paused charging due to one of the following:
– EcoMode: Charging will resume when electricty prices are lower
– Load balancing: The load is too high, and charging is paused to protect the fuses.
Done or pausedThe vehicle has paused charging because either:
– The battery is full or has reached the preset max limit.
– The vehicle has an active charging schedule and will charge later. E.g. it’s possible to set a charging schedule in the vehicle’s app or through integration with a third-party service.
FinishingThe charger has stopped charging, but the charging cable is still attached. The charging session will end when the cable is detached.
UnavailableThe charger is deactivated and cannot be used.
FaultedThe charger has reported an error and is out of order.

Charger Settings

Click on Charger Settings to receive information and manage the charger. A charger is described as a Charge Point that has one or more Connectors.


A connector is the equipment (cables or power outlets) that supplies electrical power to charge electric vehicles. A charge point has one or several connectors (fixed cables or outlets).

Under Connector, you’ll find information about the charger outlet/connector, such as connector ID, max power, and connector type.

Status Log

Under Status Log, you’ll see all status updates reported by the charger. This can help you understand if the charger has contact with our server.

Charge Point

Under Charge Point, you’ll find information about the charger itself, such as Vendor, Model, and Serial Number. The charge point is where an electric vehicle can be charged and has one or more connectors (fixed cables or outlets).

From here, it’s possible to remotely restart the charger. This could be useful as a first step if the charger doesn’t behave as expected.

For the advanced user, it’s also possible to read the configuration of the Charge Point.

Event Log

For the advanced user, you can find information about the events communicated between the charger and our server. To get more details, you can click on each event.

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