Swap Owner of Your Home Charger

Hjem » Support » App » Manage Home Charger » Swap Owner of Your Home Charger
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You can swap the owner of your home charger in the app. If you only want to remove the charger from your account without knowing who the next owner is, you must contact support.

1. Go to Swap Ownership

In the app, go to Charger Settings, select Advanced, and tap on Swap Ownership.

Screenshot of CloudCharge App - Charger settings

2. Enter mobile number to new owner

Enter the mobile number of the new owner and tap on Hand Over to New Owner.

Screenshot of CloudCharge App - Enter mobile number

3. Invitation is sent

An invitation is now sent to the new owner. You will still have access to your charger until the new owner accepts the invite.

4. New owner accepts the invitation

The new owner receives the invitation and needs to accept it. Once accepted, the new owner becomes in charge of the charger. The previous owner can no longer use or manage the charger.

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